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Menu EuroParcs Zilverstrand & Hoge Kempen

Ontbijt/ Breakfast: 07.00 - 09.30 ( zondag/ sunday 06.30 - 09.00)

Diner: Open 17.30 - 21.00 (donderdag/ thursday untill 21.30)


-       sneetjes wit en bruinbrood

-       Broodjes

-       croissants 1 dag

-       jonge kaas

-       Vleesbeleg

-       zoetwaren (chocopasta/jam)

-       cornflakes

-       melk/koffie/thee/ jus d’orange

-       ei (1 dag)


- Slices of white and brown bread

- Bread rolls

- croissants 1 day

- Young cheese

- Meat

- chocolate spread/jam

- cornflakes

- milk/coffee/tea/ orange juice

- egg (1 day)

Diner dag 1

-       hamburger (100% rundvlees)

-       Warme groenten

-       gebakken aardappelproduct

-       saladebuffet

-       brood en boter

-       dessert

-       handfruit

-       water

Dinner day 1

- Hamburger (100% beef)

- Hot vegetables

- baked potato product

- salad buffet

- bread and butter

- dessert

- hand fruit

- water

Diner dag 2

-       Pasta

-       Bolognese saus puur rund

-       vegetarische saus

-       salade-buffet

-       geraspte kaas

-       boter en brood

-       dessert

-       handfruit

-       water

Dinner day 2

- Pasta

- Bolognese sauce pure beef

- vegetarian sauce

- salad buffet

- grated cheese

- butter and bread

- dessert

- hand fruit

- water

Diner dag 3

-       kipfilet

-       gebakken aardappelproduct

-       rijst

-       rauwkostsalade

-       brood en boter

-       dessert

-       handfruit

-       water

Vegetarian meals available at request on  spot.

All meals will be served without porc!

Dinner day 3

- chicken breast

- baked potato product

- rice

- raw salad

- bread and butter

- dessert

- hand fruit

- water

Menu Oostappen Hengelhoef

Ontbijt/ Breakfast open: 06.30 - 10.00

Diner open: 18.00 - 22.00



Noodles met Teriyaki groente en kipspies (ook vegetarisch)

Salade buffet met stokbrood


Noodles with Teriyaki vegetables and chicken skewer ( vegetarian option possible)

Salad Buffet with baguette




Kip Kerrie ( ook vegetarisch)

Salade buffet met stokbrood


Chicken Curry (Vegetarian option possible)

Salad Buffet with baguette



Zondag & Donderdag

Macaroni Bolognese/ vegetarische saus

Salade buffet met stokbrood


Macaroni Bolgonese/ vegetarian sauce

Salad Buffet with baguette




Ontbijtgranen/ Cereals

Cornflakes & Havermout / Cornflakes & oatmeal

Zuivel / dairy

Melk – Kwark – yoghurt / Milk - Quark - Yogurt

Brood/ Bread

Wit – Bruin / white &brown

Beleg/ savoury

Gerookte kip – Ham (halal)/ smoked chicken - ham (halal)

Kaas/ cheese

Nutella - JamNutella - jam

Koffie & Thee/ coffee & tea


Menu School Kindsheid Jesu

Ontbijt/ breakfast: 07.00u. – 09.30u.  
Diner: 17.00u. – 21.00u. (op vrijdag/friday van 17.30u. tot 21.00u.)
Ontbijt za/sa & zo/sun:
Vr/fri. Soep/ Soupe | Spaghetti bolognaise (geen varkens/no porc!!!!) (ook veggie/ vegetarian sauce) + kaas + stokbrood | dessert
Spaghetti bolognaise (no pork/no porc!!!!) (also veggie/ vegetarian sauce) + cheese + baguette | dessert


Za/sa. Soep/ Soupe| Kipfilet , currysaus, rijst met groenten | dessert

Chicken breast , curry sauce, rice with vegetables | dessert


All diners at all locations are porc-free| Vegetarian options possible on spot| No gluten-free/allergy options possible

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